下面不是影响烟气抬升高度的因素是( )。(5.0)
A. 烟气温度
B. 周围大气温度
C. 云量
D. 烟气释热率
某火电厂烟囱的高度为160m,如果某时刻计算出烟气的抬升高度为110m,则该时刻烟囱的有效高度为( )。(5.0)
A. 160m
B. 110m
C. 270m
D. 50m
下列条件,一定会使烟气抬升高度增加的是( )。(5.0)
A. 风速增加,排气速率增加,烟气温度降低
B. 风速降低,排气速率增加,烟气温度增加
C. 风速增加,排气速率降低,烟气温度增加
D. 风速降低,排气速率增加,烟气温度降低
Songs of Chu was among the earliest and most influential poetic anthologies.
A. 对
B. 错
Lusi (regulated poem) is a poem usually in rhymed verse except for introductory and concluding passages that are in prose, often in the form of questions and answers.
A. 对
B. 错