A. uterus transplantation
B. facial transplantation
C. head transplantation
D. penis transplantation
A. laws, policies & guidelines
B. animal organs & animal rights
C. selection of organ recipient
D. Who has the priority to receive the donated organ?
Human tissues transplanted include:
A. Bone marrow/Adult stem cell (living-donor and autograft) & blood transfusion/blood part transfusion (living-donor and autograft)
B. blood vessels (autograft and deceased-donor)
C. heart valve (deceased-donor, living-donor and xenograft [porcine/bovine])
D. bone (deceased-donor and living-donor)
Human tissues transplanted include:
A. hand (deceased-donor only)
B. cornea (deceased-donor only)
C. skin, including face replant (autograft) and face transplant (extremely rare)
D. islets of Langerhans (pancreas islet cells) (deceased-donor and living-donor)
Human organs transplanted include:
A. heart (deceased-donor only)
B. lung (deceased-donor & living-related lung transplantation)
C. heart/Lung (deceased-donor and domino transplant)
D. kidney (deceased-donor and living-donor)