
Issues with informed consent for brain banking are:

A. Should each and every brain bank employ an informed consent policy, even if the brain bank can waive these requirements under national law or regulations?
B. Can the power of consent be consistently delegated to a medical doctor or a research council?
C. If autopsy is authorized, is the retention and use of organs for research purpose necessarily permitted?
D. No informed consent is need at any times.


Major ethical issues with brain banking are:

A. The rights of the persons donating their tissue and the obligations of the brain bank with regard to respect and observance of such rights
B. Informed consent and confidentiality
C. Protection of personal data and collections of human biologic material and their management
D. Transparency and accountability within the organization of a brain bank

Human beings can be addicted to:

A. internet
B. alcohol
C. drug (e.g. opiate)
D. all the above

The mission of the International Neuroethics Society is "to promote the development and responsible application of _____________ through interdisciplinary and international research, education, outreach and public engagement for the benefit of people of all nations, ethnicities, and cultures".

