A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
Listen and complete the conversation.[音频]Sam: Hey, Natalie. I noticed your SUV has a(n) “(1) ____” sticker on it.Natalie: Yeah, that’s right. Are you interested?Sam: Sure! It looks nice.Natalie: It’s a great SUV, and I hesitated before putting it up for sale. It just isn’t(2) ____for me to run it now as I live near my company.Sam: Well, I want to buy a(n) (3) ____SUV. I’d like something reliable that isn’t going to cost me a(n) (4) ____in repair bills.Natalie: Well, this SUV runs pretty well. It’s (5) ____two years old, and the mileage is low.Sam: Can I take it for a(n) (6) ____?Natalie: Sure! Let’s go for a drive on the highway.
A. GPIO在推挽输出时,可以直接输出3.3V电平,同时通过一个P-MOS管输出(灌)电流
B. GPIO在浮空输出时,因为N-MOS管没有工作,所以只能输出3.3V电平,而不能输出0V电平
C. 当GPIO处于浮空输入时,具有很高的等效输入阻抗
D. GPIO处于输入状态时,可以使用“上拉输入”或者“下拉输入”,控制I/O口的输出电平