
The narrator is at the ________ to narrate for us.

A. Carrefour
B. Wal-Mart
C. Shopping Mall
D. SeawayMall


Which sentence about the "mall" or "shopping mall" is wrong?

A. In English, people always say "mall" instead of "shopping mall".
British peopleoften say "I am going to get something at the mall".
C. American seldom say "I am going to the mall".
D. "Mall" is short for "shopping mall" in English.

In the video clip, we can find all kinds of commodities except for_________ in the mall.

A. books
B. video games
C. clothes
D. chemicals


A. 8.4s
B. 11.7s
C. 14s
D. 16.8s

(2012年统考真题)假设基准程序A在某计算机上的运行时间为100s,其中 90s为CPU时间,其余为I/O时间。若CPU速度提高50%,IO速度不变,则运行基准程序A所耗费的时间是()。

A. 55s
B. 60s
C. 65s
D. 70s
