
以下程序运行后的输出结果是。#include void main(){int i,j;for(i=6;i>3;i--)j=i;printf("%d%d\n",i,j);}


I will not write you a letter anymoreI get one from you.

A. since
B. as
C. after
D. until
E. then

When we saw the dog running towards us we ran awaywe could.

A. so soon as
B. not slowly as
C. faster
D. recklessly
E. as fast as

you are a guest in my house , I won't argue with you.

B. When
C. Then
D. Now
E. Now that

a big storm is about to come, we must evacuate this place as soon as possible.

A. Now that
B. Then
C. That
D. Now
E. Though
