
投标单位在下列( ) 情况,将被没收投标保证金。

A. 投标有效期内撤回其投标文件
B. 中标单位末在规定期限内提交履约保证金
C. 中标单位签订了合同
D. 领取招标文件,但未参加投标的
E. 中标单位末在规定期限内签订合同的


某工程项目,建设单位通过招标选择了一具有相应资质的监理单位承担施工招标代理和施工阶段监理工作,并在监理中标通知书发出后第45天,与该监理单位签订了监理合同。之后双方又另行签订了一份监理酬金比监理中标价降低10%的协议。 在施工公开招标中,有A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H等施工单位报名投标,经监理单位资格预审均符合要求,但建设单位以A施工单位是外地企业为由不同意其参加投标, 而监理单位坚持认为A施工单位有资格参加投标。评标委员会由5人组成,其中当地建设行政管理部门的招投标管理办公室主任1人、 建设单位代表1人、政府提供的专家库中抽取的技术经济专家3人。评标时发现:B施工单位投标报价明显低于其他投标单位报价且未能合理说明理由;D施工单位投标报价大写金额小于小写金额;F施工单位投标文件提供的检验标准和方法不符合招标文件的要求;H施工单位投标文件中某分项工程的报价有个别漏项;其他施工单位的投标文件均符合招标文件要求。建设单位最终确定G施工单位中标,并按照《建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》与该施工单位签订了施工合同。 问题:1.指出建设单位在监理招标和监理合同签订过程中的不妥之处,并说明理由。2.在施工招标资格预审中,监理单位认为A施工单位有资格参加投标是否正确?说明理由。3.指出施工招标评标委员会组成的不妥之处,说明理由,并写出正确作法。4.判别B、D、F、H四家施工单位的投标是否为有效标?说明理由。

Completethe sentences with suitable expressions from the collocation box.Make changes where necessary. Sometimes more than one collocation is possible.Adjectiveswhich often go before:relationshipmeaningfulcloselastinghealthmentalpoorgoodVerbs/ Expressions which often go before:helpask forneedseekopportunityprovidemisscreate1 University students tend to ___________ from friends first and then from family members when they meet with difficulties.2 As more students report ______________ problems such as loneliness or anxiety,experts believe that talking to others is a wise way to deal with the problems.3 To keep yourself in ___________, you need exercise, rest and plenty of sound sleep.4 We were just nodding acquaintances at first. Our ___________ started when we worked together in the students’ union.5 A(n) _______________________means that we make friends with someone who helps us grow, supports us and is there for us when we need them.6 The easy access to the Internet _______________________ for teachers to enrich their materials in teaching.

Adverbs can collocate with verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, etc. Complete the sentences with the adverbs below.1. It's reported that a large percentage of the world's population is breathing__________ polluted air, so let's take action and contribute our effort to improving air quality.2. Teaching in a school in the mountainous area can be difficult, but it is__________ rewarding in that you can make a difference in a child's life.3. As time goes on, she__________ won her mother over to agree with her engagement with Tony.4. A reasonable degree of stress is__________ good for people.5. For many students, college life is a(n)__________ new experience, which may bring excitement or anxiety.6. Students are__________ wondering what the school will do to those found cheating on exams.

Complete the sentences with the words below. Change the form where necessary.1. Poor command of vocabulary is one of the greatest __________ for students' improvement in writing.2. His friends feel__________ for his misfortune, but they can do nothing to help him out.3. Her experience of taking part in the public speaking contest helps her__________ shyness in public.4. Are you__________ that we can recruit enough new members for our reading club?5. Students usually feel__________ , more or less, when they go to job hunting upon graduation.6. He__________ his carelessness for his failure in the math exam, and has made up his mind to do better.7. People__________ differently to the news that a freshman who failed in several courses started a company.8. She__________ for a moment before going on with her presentation.
