
听力原文:W: I wore red, so they seemed to think I was one of the models.
M: That's right. The designer's dresses were either red or purple.
Q: What. effect did wearing red produce?

A. She angered the models.
B. People thought she was a designer.
C. People thought she was a model.
D. She got a purple dress.


An extreme example of a federal system is the one adopted in the 1970s in Yugoslavia, known as workers' self-management. Primary power was given to individual factories and other places of work, each managed by a board of directors that would establish policy for investments, prices, profits, wages, and so on. Each board of directors, elected by the workers, would answer to a workers' council, consisting of all workers in the company.
Representatives selected from the community's different workers' councils would meet together in a local assembly. In this way, the fundamental decisions concerning the community would be made by local workers. The system also included a second branch of the local assembly comprising officials elected by all of the people. The local units of government, known as communes, were grouped into six republics.
An important purpose of this federal system was to. protect the rights of its different nationalities. There is a saying in Yugoslavia that roughly translates as follows; Yugoslavia has seven neighbors, six republics, five nationalities, four languages, three religions, two alphabets, and one dinar.
Yugoslavia's political fragmentation has long been a source of problems. Nationalities other than the five officially recognized claim they are victims of discrimination. For example, 90 percent of the residents of the southern region of Kosovo are Albanians, but Yugoslavia does not recognize Albanian as a distinct nationality. Kosovo's official status is an autonomous region administered by Serbia, but in recent years Serbia has taken over direct rule of the region, under the pretext that the Albanians were threatening to detach Kosovo from Yugoslavia and unite it with the neighboring state Of Albania. A similar situation has existed in Vojvodian, another autonomous region administered by Serbia, where ethnic Hungarians lack official recognition as one of Yugoslavia' s nationalities.
Another problem for Yugoslavia has been competition among republics for resources, rather than cooperation to develop the country's economy as a whole. For example, from the viewpoint of international competitiveness, Yugoslavia should concentrate its resources to modernize and expand one large port, but each republic has wanted its own port. Instead of one large port, Yugoslavia has had several medium-sized ones that are less successful at attracting foreign trade.
Regional cooperation has also been hurt by economic differences among the republics. Slovenia, which borders Austria and Italy and contains only about 8 percent of Yugoslavia's population, has generally produced about 18 percent of the gross national product and 25 percent of the exports. With average incomes twice the national level, Slovenes have estimated that one-fourth of their production goes to subsidizing the economies of the poorer republics in the south.
Which is NOT described as a source of the problems facing the 1970s' Yugoslavia?

A. Lack of regional cooperation.
B. Religious conflicts.
Competition for resources.
Discrimination against ethnic minorities.

听力原文: It's generally agreed that serious, violent crime has reached alarming laroportions in the United States. A survey by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration found that 61% of all women feel unsafe in their own neighborhoods at night; that 45 % of the population is afraid to walk alone at night near their own homes; and that 47% own guns, large for self-protection.
Those arrested for crimes and disproportionately likely to be male, young, a member of a racial minority, and a city resident. Males are arrested about four times as often as females. Only in juvenile runaway cases and prostitution are females more often arrested. One is the sex role stereotyping which encourages males to be more aggressive and daring, while females are encouraged to be more passive and conforming to the rules and norms. The second reason is the tendency of police officers and the courts to deal more kindly with female offenders. However, it should be noted, in the past decade, crime among females has been increasing at much faster rate than among males, a negative side effect which has been attributed to women challenging the traditional sex role of passivity and conformity.
Young people appear to commit far more than their share of crime, including the crimes that are classified by the FBI as most serious-rape, murder, robbery, arson, burglary, aggravated assault, auto theft. In 1985, 31% of all arrests were of person under the age of 21, and 50% of all arrests were of persons under 25.

A. For hunting.
B. For protecting himself.
C. For stimulation.
D. For protecting the country.

听力原文:M: I'm sorry I'm late, Cindy.
W: That's all right, Joe. My house isn't that easy to find. But you know, you wouldn't have gotten lost if you had a "smart" car.
M: A smart car? What's Bat?
W: I just read a magazine article about some new technology that can make a car smart. One device is a computerized map display and a synthesized voice, you must enter the address where you want to go, and the voice tells you how to get there, street by street.
M: Hey, that's just like my brother. He never gets lost, and he's always telling me the best route. So what else will smart cars be able to do?
W: Well, the article said that they'll be equipped with radar warning systems that will warn drivers if they're getting too close to other cars with an alarm signal, and they'll even put on the brakes if the drivers don't.
M: Tell me, Cindy, will these cars be smart enough to fill themselves up with gas?
W: Not that I know of. Why do you ask?
M: Well, I'm late not because I got lost—I'm late because I ran out of gas on the way over here.

A. $ 5
B. $ 15
C. $ 30
D. $ 250


A. 正确
B. 错误
