
下列属于隧道大修的项目是。( )

A. 更换涵洞盖板
B. 更换支座
C. 清理隧道水沟
D. 加固隧道洞门


What do we mean when we talk about “diversity” in this context?

A. Differences in ethnicity, race, professional backgrounds, religion, and political beliefs.
B. Common culture, knowledge, and religion.
C. Differences in ambition.
D. Same colour of skin.

What kinds of diversities and cultural differences might you experience in a peacekeeping mission and the host country?

A. Race, ethnicity, language, sex, and religion.
B. Geographic location, work style, and educational background.
C. Marital status, parental status, and appearance.
D. All of the above.

Diversity is like an iceberg, because:

A. It is very large.
B. It is unpredictable.
C. It is not well understood.
D. Only a small fraction of the iceberg can be seen, and the rest is not easily visible.

Assumptions and generalizations can lead to stereotypes which in turn can lead to:

A. Understanding.
B. Prejudices.
C. Harmony.
D. Armed conflict.
