A. 客观性
B. 主观性
C. 社会历史性
D. 多维性
A. 真理原则侧重于客体性,价值原则侧重于主体性
B. 真理原则主要表明人的活动中的客观制约性,价值原则主要表明人的活动中的目的性
C. 真理原则体现了社会活动中的统一性,价值原则体现了社会活动中的多样性
D. 真理原则体现了社会活动中的实践性,价值原则体现了社会活动中的认识性
A. 坚持主观臆断
B. 做到坚持和发展的统一
C. 必须坚持解放思想、实事求是
D. 不断进行实践创新和理论创新
Why do contractors wish to join in these global competitions and seek projects at any place around the world?
Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the words in the list given below. Make changes when necessary.1)San Yi Tang printed the first version of Liao Zhai Zhi Yi,or Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio,which is a collection of tales with magic, devilry, vampirism and other fantastic themes written by Qing Dynasty novelist Pu Songling.2)Compared with these successful examples, the housing policies of China have a touch of " marketization,, because the country lacked an adequate supply of low-rent houses and other measures to ensure the supply of affordable houses.3)Whenever there are crashing sounds like thunder, my first is to run and hide.4)Ranking from village Party chief to deputy municipal civil affairs bureau chief, the officials were blamed for their response to the quake and wrongdoings in relief work.5)Make sure that desserts combining kiwis with dairy products are eaten quickly else they may degenerate into a mess.6)This means that the relationship between supply and demand is by the price.7)All those everyday consumer products, which owe their existence, in no small part, to manufacturing methods that wouldn't work without Einsteins of the atomic theory of matter.8)If the entire delegation had been withering in their long sleeves and pants as they maintained protocol and in respect to Arab custom, none of them had the slightest complaint.9)People's Bank of China, the central bank, has notified all commercial banks that their annual loan quota has been raised to help fund the growth of small enterprises, which have been hit hardest by the credit control measures since last year to curb inflation.10)Many establishments have great locations next to fast flowing canals inhabited by small shoals of golden fish, through the current like liquid metal.