
You may find during your approach to land that the crosswind will ____ in velocity as you descend.

A. bury
B. lorry
C. vary
D. very


During approach in crosswind condition, aileron and rudder should be _____ continuously.

A. adjusted
B. adapted
C. converted
D. rectified

When employing the crab technique, you will need to establish a crab angle on final approach to keep the airplane correctly _____ the centerline of the runway.

A. met with
B. aligned with
C. fit in with
D. dealt with

Wing down and crab method are both acceptable. The approaches are _____, but where they differ is at touchdown.

A. different
B. equal
C. identical
D. diverse

After the right main wheel touches down, continue applying left aileron for the _____ of the landing roll-out.

A. term
B. duration
C. passage
D. period
