

A. 锁存地址和数据信息
B. 三态输出的驱动器
C. 数据的双向传送
D. 以上都不对



A. 无条件传送方式
B. 查询传送方式
C. 中断传送方式

Listen to a lecture and choose the best answer from the four choices provided for each question. (仅将各选项前的字母A, B, C or D填入答案)[音频]1. A) Animal skinsB) Pieces of clayC) Cloth made from grassD) A special type of grass2. A) He turned making paper into an industry.B) He invented paper about 2,000 years ago.C) He introduced paper to other civilizations.D) He changed paper to match the environment.3. A) They coated their paper with a fine paste.B) They made paper cheaper and easier to buy.C) They built factories devoted to making paper.D) They made paper of different colors and strengths.4. A) New uses for paper products would be found.B) Paper would no longer be made from trees.C) Paper would no longer be in use soon.D) New varieties of paper will come into being.


A. 淞沪会战
B. 九一八事变
C. 卢沟桥事变
D. 南京沦陷


A. 古德里安
B. 马汉
C. 杜黑
D. 艾森豪威尔
