
There are 5 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the words in the brackets.1. I don’t feel ready to take on new (responsible).2. I can’t afford it, because it’s too(inexpensive).3. The price of the shoes is(reason).4. The players all have(confident) in their manager.5. She regrets(come) to see the movie.


Match the Chinese sentences with the English sentences respectively:

Please translate the following into Chinese:The first thing is to make a spending plan and see where to cut costs. Choose what you need most, instead of what you want most, when deciding what to buy.


A. 1米左右
B. 2米左右
C. 半米左右
D. 不需要距离


A. 西裤的标准长度为裤长盖住皮鞋
B. 衬衫放在西裤里面,并且衬衫扣子要扣上
C. 领带的长度一般为领带尖盖住皮带扣
D. 西服上装的两粒扣字都要扣上
