
1. Students expect highbandwidth information, and if you can't deliver it, you're at a _____ disadvantage.2. To _____, it spent tens of thousands of dollars to give every one of its incoming freshmen a free Apple iPad.3. The college campus, long a place of scholarship and frontiers of new technology, is being _____ into a new age of electronics by a fleet of laptops, smartphones and connectivity 24 hours a day.4. On a _____ modern-day campus, where every building and most outdoor common areas offer wireless Internet access, one student takes her laptop everywhere.5. The ability to email professors at 2 a.m. and receive _____ the next morning.6. Many are using smartphones, not only to create their own dialects when texting, but also to do more serious work, such as practicing foreign languages and _____ scripts from their theater classes.7. But in doing so, students must remember to _____ and balance their time.8. Some say the _____ on technology prepares students for a wired world.9. In fact, a recent study in the US found that information technology accounted for 5% to 8% of college budgets, up from an _____ 2% to 3% in the mid-1980s.10. And as more people around the world _____ these instruments, they are becoming indispensable.



A. 《论语》
B. 《尚书》
C. 《淮南子》
D. 《山海经》


B. 神话是上古时期人们有意识的文学创作。
C. 神话不自觉地表现了人类的艺术天性。
D. 神话故事为后世的文学创作提供了极好的素材。


A. 《山海经》
B. 《淮南子》
C. 《楚辞》
D. 《庄子》


A. 中国古代神话中出现的神和英雄大多是为民除害的形象。
B. 中国古代神话中的神与英雄通常尊重现存的权威与秩序。
D. 中国古代神话中的神与英雄常为了个人的情欲、恩怨而斗争,不惜向更有权势者发起挑战。
