What athletic events were held in the first thirteen OlympicGames?
A great variety of events.
B. A field event only.
C. A track event only.
Where was the first recorded Olympic competition held?
A. In an indoor stadium.
B. In an outdoor stadium.
C. On the playground.
1.At what time of the year are modern Olympics held?
A. Mostly in summer.
B. Mostly in winter.
C. Both in summer and winter.
A. 如何进行改革开放
B. 如何两手抓,两手都要硬
C. 如何坚持中国特色社会主义道路
D. 什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义
邓小平强调,发展是硬道理,中国解决所有问题关键是要靠自己发展。社会主义社会发展的直接动力是( )。
A. 改革
B. 革命
C. 和谐
D. 科学技术