
In Paragraph 2, several studies have shown that the more ______, the more personal secrets

A. casual the relationship is
B. ordinary the conversation is
C. quick the other's response is
D. personal secrets the other person reveals


Global warming leads to many new diseases.

A. Y
B. N

The Arctic is warming faster than the rest of the world.

A. Y
B. N

A.It increases the cost of car production.B.Carmakers are not sure if it is useful.C.T

A. It increases the cost of car production.
B. Carmakers are not sure if it is useful.
C. The research on it is still being carried out.
D. People still have their doubts.

Coping with Climate Change
What we have learned so far about how climate changes is affecting our global environment. Studies show that it adversely affects human and natural systems by reducing biodiversity, impairing biological and chemical cycles and making it more difficult to restore degraded ecosystems.
Climate is not the only factor in the deterioration of natural systems. We are making big changes to the landscape, altering land use and land cover in major ways. These changes combined present a challenge to environmental management. Adaptive management is a scientific approach to managing the adverse impacts of climate and landscape change.
Nature and Impacts of Climate Change
Every week it seems there is an article about global warming in the news media. It may be difficult for some to grasp the big picture of the issue, but in general, climate change has already or is expected to
?increase temperatures, particularly in the interior of continents, toward the poles and in winter
?boost precipitation (降水量) in wetter areas and suppress precipitation in drier areas
?increase rain and decrease snow
?lessen peak spring runoff and cause more even year-round flows of water, thereby reducing water availability during summer irrigation and navigation seasons
?increase evaporation of water during the summer
?enhance the likelihood of lower mean lake levels, drier wetlands, and water shortages, particularly in mountain regions
?raise the frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods
?raise global sea levels, causing some populated coastal areas to become inundated (被淹没的)
?reduce the extent and duration of Arctic sea ice with adverse consequences for marine mammals
?increase the loss of glaciers in middle and equatorial latitudes, including premier mountain ecosystems such as Glacier National Park in Montana
Global average temperature has increased by about 0.6℃ over the past 100 years, with a major warming upswing in the 1970s. Warming is the result, in part, of rapid increases in emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), which is a byproduct of the combustion of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, used for power generation and transportation.
When global temperatures rise and precipitation patterns change, it is expected there will be consequences on ecosystems, such as an increase in the spread of exotic species; redistribution of plants, animals, energy, water, and nutrients; alteration of natural processes and the structure and function of ecosystems.
Northerly latitudes are particularly vulnerable to climate change. The Arctic Council, an intergovernmental forum for Arctic nations and indigenous people, reported that the northern ice cap is warming at twice the global rate and the Arctic region is expected to warm at two to three times the rate for the rest of the world. Arctic warming will have serious consequences on human and ecology.
Nature and Impacts of Landscape Change
Landscape change results from natural disturbances and human activities. Natural disturbances include fire, windstorms, avalanches, landslides, tree fall, floods, and insect epidemics. Human activities causing landscape change include conversion of forestland to agriculture, drainage of wetlands, and forest fragmentation from road construction and timber harvesting.
Human activities often have a more significant effect on landscapes than natural disturbances because they alter the availability of energy, water, and nutrients to ecosystems; increase the spread of exotic species; accelerate natural processes of ecosystem change; and adversely affect the structure and functioning of ecosystems.

A. Y
B. N
