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A. 正确
B. 错误


下列关于《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》(CB 50045--95)的强制性条文,叙述正确的是()。A.紧靠防火墙下列关于《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》(CB 50045--95)的强制性条文,叙述正确的是()。

A. 紧靠防火墙两侧的门、窗、洞口之间最近边缘的水平距离不应小于2.00m;当水平间距小于1.00m时,应设置固定乙级防火门、窗
B. 设在高层建筑内的自动灭火系统的设备室、通风、空调机房,应采用耐火极限不低于2.00h的隔墙、1.50h的楼板和甲级防火门与其他部位隔开
C. 屋顶采用金属承重结构时,其吊顶、望板、保温材料等均应采用不燃烧材料,屋顶金属承重构件应采用外包敷不燃烧材料或喷涂防火涂料等措施,或设置自动喷水灭火系统
D. 变形缝构造基层应采用不燃烧材料
E. 电缆、可燃气体管道和甲、乙、丙类液体管道,不应敷设在变形缝内。当其穿过变形缝时,应在穿过处加设不燃烧材料套管,并应采用不燃烧材料将套管空隙填塞密实

The phrase "in tatters" (Line 1, Para. 5) may be replaced by______.

A. in danger
B. in despair
C. in a ragged state
D. totally ruined

The author cites some Westchester schools to indicate that______.

A. education is necessary to help young people avoid dieting
B. teachers need to stay outside classroom to talk about diets
C. eating healthily and exercise help building up the body
D. it is not good for the students to follow the same goal

From the Paragraph 5 we may infer that Anorexia and Bulimia are______.

A. two similar mental illnesses
B. two different common mental illnesses
C. both bad eating habits
D. both illnesses of eating disorderly
