
北宋初年最著名的文风改革提倡者是( )。

A. 高锡
B. 梁周翰
C. 柳开
D. 范杲


“疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏”是《山园小梅》中的名句,其作者是宋代( )。

A. 杨亿
B. 林逋
C. 潘阆
D. 王禹偁

宋初白体诗的代表作家是( ),其诗歌代表作是《村行》,而散文代表作是《待漏院记》。

A. 柳开
B. 王禹偁
C. 穆修
D. 范仲淹

Training that has clear applications to a job or type of work can be said to be ___

A. academic
B. practical
C. interesting
D. cost-effective

It is very expensive to ___ people who fail in an overseas job and have to return early.

A. insure
B. dismiss
C. retain
D. repatriate
