Cancer is a group of diseases in which there is uncontrolled and disordered growth of ________ cells.
A irrelevant
B inferior
C controversial
D abnormal
At that time, the economy was still undergoing a ________, and job offers were hard to get.
A concession
B supervision
C recession
D deviation
I could hear nothing but the roar of the airplane engines which ________ all other sounds.
A overturned
B drowned
C deafened
D smoothed
远期利率协议(FRA)是一种远期合约,交易双方在订立协议时商定在将来的某一个特定日期,按照规定的货币、金额、( )和利率进行交割的一种协议。
A. 期限
B. 效率
C. 产出
D. 利润
利率( )是指两个或者两个以上的当事人,按照事先商定的条件,由固定利率换为浮动利率或由浮动利率换为固定利率,从而减少或消除利率风险的金融交易方式。
A. 互换
B. 交流
C. 通融
D. 流动