

A. 正确
B. 错误



A. 任何一个人不能与两个或者两个以上的人缔结婚姻关系
B. 一夫一妻制是与一夫多妻制或者重婚行为相对立的
C. 禁止同性之间结婚
D. 保障一夫一妻制度􀓃是在婚姻关系上实现男女平等的必要条件。

背景 某发电厂安装工程,工程内容有锅炉、汽轮机、发电机、输煤机、水处理和辅机等设备。工程由A施工单位总承包,其中输煤机、水处理和辅机等设备分包给B施工单位安装。 因安装质量要求高,A施工单位与建设单位签订合同后编制了该工程的施工组织设计和施工方案。 锅炉主吊为塔吊,汽机间的设备用桥式起重机吊装,焊接要进行工艺评定。根据施工现场的危险源分析,制定了相应的安全措施,建立健全的安全管理体系。 汽轮机安装中,转子需进行哪些测量?

You are the network administrator for your company. The network consists of a single Active Directory domain. All five domain controllers run Windows Server 2003, and all client computers run Windows XP Professional. The domain's audit policy ensures that all account logon events are audited. A temporary employee named Peter uses a client computer named Client1. When Peter's temporary assignment concludes, his employment is terminated. Now you need to learn the times and dates when Peter logged on to the domain. You need to accomplish this goal by reviewing the minimum amount of information. What should you do?()

A. Log on to Client1 as a local Administrator. Use Event Viewer to view the local security log. Use the Find option to list only the events for Peter's user account.
B. Log on to Client1 as a local Administrator. Use Event Viewer to view the local security log. Use the Find option to list only the events for the Client1 computer account. Use Event Viewer to view the security log on each domain controller. Use the Find option to list only the events for Peter's user account. Use Event Viewer to view the security log on each domain controller.
C. Set a filter to list only the events for Peter's user account. Use Event Viewer to view the security log on each domain controller.
D. Set a filter to list only the events for the Client1 computer account.

