You are under sail and overtaking a tug and tow.Which action is correct().
A. The power-driven tug must maneuver to avoid collision
B. You must maneuver to avoid the tug and tow
C. You must maneuver to avoid collision only if the tug is to leeward and the wind is on your port side
D. Both vessels are required to maneuver to avoid collisio
A. 150mm
B. 200mm
C. 300mm
D. 400mm
A. 合理
B. 不合理,定义不明确
C. 不合理,一个问题中含双重问题
D. 不合理,问题中含双重否定
E. 不合理,问题中含有很强的专业术语请对以下问题的合理性作出选择
A. 1%
B. <2%
C. 2~4%
D. 5%
A. 17—22.5mm
B. 16—18mm
C. 1—2.5mm
D. 10—15mm