

A. 1分
B. 2分
C. 3分
D. 4分
E. 5分



A. 活血化瘀药
B. 补血养阴药
C. 疏肝理气药
D. 理肝和胃药
E. 利水渗湿药

When verifying the OSPF link state database, which type of LSAs should you expect to see within the different OS PF area types?()

All OSPF routers in stubby areas can have type 3 LSAs in their database.
B. All OSPF routers in stubby areas can have type 7 LSAs in their database.
C. All OSPF routers in totally stubby areas can have type 3 LSAs in their database.
D. All OSPF routers in totally stubby areas can have type 7 LSAs in their database.
E. All OSPF routers in NSSA areas can have type 3 LSAs in their database.
F. All OSPF routers in NSSA areas can have type 7 LSAs in their database.


A. 温中散寒、降逆止呕
B. 清热和胃、降逆止呕
C. 顺气降逆
D. 温补脾胃、和中降逆
E. 益气养阴、和胃止呃


A. 焊修
B. 堆焊
C. 更换
D. 堆焊后加工
