Which type do the six letters belong to?
A. Formal letter
B. Informal letter
Gather information of the writers of the letters and their daughter.(填写对应序号)1.Father's name:2.Father's occupation:3.Father's location:4.Mother's name:5.Mother's occupation:6.Mother's location:7.Time for father and mother to writer and read the letters:8.Daughter's name:9.Daughter's occupation:10.Daughter's location:11.Time for daughter to writer and read the letters:
1.下列行为中,属于经济学上的投资的是( )
A. 某厂因产品滞销而导致的存货增加
B. 邻居为孩子读书而购买的教育基金
C. 小李向房东租的房子
D. 小王在二级市场上购买的联想股票