


•A. Business correspondence is the general term given to emails, letters,invitations, messagesand notes written to companies, banks,organizationsor any other business. A personal business letter is a letter you write about your own affairs. For example,you mightwrite a personal business letter to your bank, to a visa office or to a companythat youhave bought something from. One of the most important aspects of anybusiness correspondenceis that it must be formal.Do you feel at a loss for words when you need to write to a company orbusiness? Writinga personal business letter need not be stressful or complicated. In fact, it can be easy and straightforward when you take a step-by-step approach and follow these simple guidelines. Learn how to format the letter, what to include, and how to make your letter most effective.B.Which of the following are examples of business correspondence?

A. alettertoarestaurantmanagercomplainingaboutpoorservice
B. •alettertoyourfriendtotellheraboutthepoorserviceintherestaurant
C. alettertoacompanyaskingforajob
D. •anemailtoacolleagueaskingiftheywouldliketogotoafilmwithyouafterwork
E. anemailtoacolleagueaskingforthedatayouneedforareport
F. •aletterorderingnewfurnitureforyourhome


A. on
B. to
C. with

D. down


A. to
B. with
C. in
D. on


A. at...at
B. in..at
C. from...at
D. for...in
