The marketing concept stresses finding the right customers for the company's products.
The selling concept is based on the development, design, and implementation of marketing programs, processes, and activities that recognize their breadth and interdependencies.
A. 对
B. 错
Relationship marketing aims to build mutually satisfying long-term relationships with key parties.
A. 对
B. 错
A. 风寒湿痹,风寒表证
B. 风湿痹证,骨鲠咽喉
C. 风湿顽痹,麻风芥藓
D. 风湿痹证,吐泻转筋
E. 风湿痹证,骨蒸潮热
Attracting a new customer costs far more than retaining an existing one.
A. 对
B. 错