What did Allen mean when he said “everyone can be Eddie”?
A. Everyone can go to the Olympics.
B. Everyone has limitations in life.
C. Everyone has a chance to realize their dream.
D. Everyone can turn their life story into a movie.
【单选题】在供体细胞和受体细胞直接接触后,质粒从供体细胞向受体细胞转移的过程叫做( )。
A. 接合
B. 转化
C. 转导
D. 转染
A. 只能放弃
B. 可以分离筛选出没有退化的个体,然后进行繁殖、利用
C. 必须丢弃
D. 只能这样利用
A. 10%-20%
B. 15%-30%
C. 30%-40%
D. 35%-45%