
Iplaytennis every Tuesday. Last week, Iwas playingwith John, a man Iam knowingfrom work, when a birdflewinto the tennis net.

A. was playing
B. play
C. am knowing
D. flew


Idon't understandstative and dynamic verbs. Theyseemvery confusing. Iam hatingthem, because theyare drivingme crazy!

A. don't understand
B. seem
C. am hating
D. are driving

Mohammedownstwo different houses. Helikesto live in his house by the sea when the weatherisgood, but in the winter heis preferringto live in the city.

A. is preferring
B. is
C. owns
D. likes

When IcalledSarah, she said shewatchedTV, so shedidn't wantto come out with me, so Iwentto the pub alone.

A. went
B. called
C. watched
D. didn't want

While Keikowas fixingthe car, Iwas makingthe supper. By six o'clock Ihad been workingfor eight hours, so Iwas needinga good meal.

A. was needing
B. was making
C. was fixing
D. had been working
