Replace the underlined word with the synonym .Numerous research studies demonstrate consistently that content-based second language teaching promotes both language acquisition and academic success.
A. radically
B. fundamentally
C. unanimously
D. temporarily
Replace the underlined word with the synonym .University reglations state that students must pass 18 modules to graduate .
A. suggest
B. require
C. specify
D. imply
Replace the underlined word with the synonym .At the end of her talk , the lecturer finished with a brief review of the main points.
A. concluded
B. convert
C. contend
D. complement
肺通气的原动力是( )
A. 胸膜腔内负压
B. 肺的弹性回缩力
C. 肺本身的舒缩活动
D. 呼吸肌的舒缩活动
E. 肺内压与大气压的差值
下列哪项能使氧解离曲线发生右移( )
A. 糖酵解加强
B. 温度降低
C. PH值升高
D. CO2分压降低
E. CO中毒