A. 阴阳五行学说为其理论框架
B. 藏象学说为理论核心
C. 生理学与病理学不能截然分开
D. 整体观念、辩证施护独特的中医临床操作技术与护理方法
E. 望闻问切为诊病方法
防止精、血、津液等物质流失,主要依赖气的功能是( )
A. 温煦
B. 推动
C. 防御
D. 固摄
E. 气化
4、Choose the best answer.John doesn't believe in medicine; he has some remedies of his own.
A. standard
B. regular
C. routine
D. conventional
Many people like white color as it is a of purity
A. symbol
B. sign
C. ignal
D. symptom