以下程序的输出结果是( )。#include int d=1;fun (int p){ int d=5;d+=p++;printf("%d ",d);}main( ){ int a=3;fun(a);d+=a++;printf("%d\n",d);}
A. 84
B. 96
C. 94
D. 85
A. floatfun(intx,int y)
B. floatfun(intx, y)
C. floatfun(intx,int y);
D. floatfun(int ,int )
请在以下程序第一行的填空处填写适当内容,使程序能够正常运行。___________(double,double)main(){double x,y;scanf(“%lf%lf”,&x,&y)printf(“%lf \n”,max(x,y))}double max(double a,double b){return( a>b?a:b)}
Listen and choose Linda’s reasons to study abroad
A. a good way to learn a foreign language
B. a chance to travel the world
C. a chance to widen her horizons and deepen her knowledge
D. to make friends with foreigners
E. to have close contact with other cultures
F. to develop social skills and diversify her life