如下: str1 = "Runoob example....wow!!!" str2 = "exam"; print(str1.find(str2, 5)) 打印的结果是()
哪个选项是下面代码的执行结果? name="Python语言程序设计课程" print(name[0],name[2:-2],name[-1])
A. P thon语言程序设计 程
B. P thon语言程序设计 课
C. P thon语言程序设计课 程
D. P thon语言程序设计课 课
第七段:who decide whether we are good enough?
A. our friends
B. ourselves
C. our loved ones
D. our parents
第一段:what are Americans striving for?
A. to be better than we are
B. to be bigger than we are
C. to try to keep up with others
D. do nothing