
I ________ dinner last night when the phone rang.

A. make
B. was making
C. am made
D. cook.


Nobody _________ Boris Norman since last Saturday.

A. has seen
B. saw
C. sees
D. had seen

The river ______very fast today - much faster than usual.

A. is flowing
B. flows
C. was passing
D. passed

I_______with my grandparents when I entered high school.

A. was living
B. am living
C. lived
D. live

女,58岁,已绝经多年,几个月来常有少量不规则出血,来院检查诊断为子宫内膜癌。下列哪项不是该病的特点( )

A. 生长缓慢
B. 转移较晚
C. 预后尚好
D. 疼痛出现较早
E. 绝经后妇女多见
