
We believe that getting freshwater from saltwater at a cheap rate is ______________ human beings in a long term.

A. in the interest of
B. in the interest for
C. benefited of
D. beneficial of


Now, the dawn (黎明、曙光、到来) of a new energy era is just around the corner (即将到来) — with the prices of solar power going down, and distributed generation and energy efficiency ____________taking off — and we can foresee a time this century _______ water replaces energy as the next great challenge for humanity.

A. at the point of; which
B. at the point of; when
C. on the point of; that
D. on the point of; when

The reason energy and water sit at the top, ahead of food and poverty, is ________ addressing them makes _____________ problems easier to deal with.

A. why; consequent
B. why; subsequent
C. that; subsequent
D. that consequent

He __________ a proverb that “the nail that sticks out gets hammered down” (木秀于林、风必摧之) to illustrate ____________ people think of individuality and uniqueness in Japanese society.

A. cited; what
B. cites; how
C. sites; what
D. sited; how

The _________ of that area will severely _________the produce of rice and wheat.

A. whether; effect
B. whether; affect
C. weather; affect
D. weather; effect
