What did she like doing in Florence?
A. People watching
B. Visiting galleries
C. Both of these
D. Neither of these
How did she feel about Milan on her first visit?
A. She loved it
B. She thought it was okay
C. She didn't like it
What city does she recommend?
A. Rome
B. Florence
C. Both
D. Neither
In Venice, when did she Carnival?
A. Her first trip
B. Her second trip
C. Never, unfortunately
A. 分析存货和营业成本等项目的增减变动判断应付账款增减变动的合理性
B. 将期末应付账款与期初余额进行比较,分析波动原因
C. 注册会计师选择在资产负债表日金额不大,甚至为零,但为企业重要供货人的债权人,作为函证对象,对应付账款进行函证
D. 计算应付账款与存货的比率,应付账款与流动负债的比率,并与以前年度相关比率对比分析,评价应付账款整体的合理性