
预习课文 Even in Real Life There Were Screens Between Us理解划线部分:P7 1) I could summon him when I wanted to talk.问题: Where did we talk? ___________2) but I never knew him in any light other than the one from the lamp by his bed.问题: What did the one refer to (指)? _____________


预习课文 Even in Real Life There Were Screens Between Us在指定段落找到以下表达:P7 1) 给他打电话____2) 点击鼠标_____理解划线部分:I could avoid him any time I wanted, because just one click of the mouse would shut him out of my room.问题:What room does it refer to? ______

预习课文 Even in Real Life There Were Screens Between Us在指定段落找到以下表达:P10 1)准我提前一天放假 ____________2)过周末 ________

预习课文 Even in Real Life There Were Screens Between Us在指定段落找到以下表达:P 11 1) 感到宽慰 ____2) 心想_____

预习课文 Even in Real Life There Were Screens Between Us在指定段落找到以下表达:P12 虚幻,虚构,想象______
