adaptoptimisticflexiblepredictprospectappreciatemysterymotivate3. All the thoughts and all the activities of historicists aim at interpreting the past, in order to ________ the future.
adaptoptimisticflexiblepredictprospectappreciatemysterymotivate4. She was bewildered by the ________ of having to rely on her own resources again.
adaptoptimisticflexiblepredictprospectappreciatemysterymotivate5. We look forward to finding further answers to the ________ of animal navigation.
adaptoptimisticflexiblepredictprospectappreciatemysterymotivate6. Half an hour later the meeting broke up, the committee members far more cheerful and ________ than when they had assembled.
adaptoptimisticflexiblepredictprospectappreciatemysterymotivate7. When you go to a new country, you must ________ yourself to new manners and customs.