What kind of cultures may hve difficulty accepting child marriage, according to the reporter?
A. cultures that base marriages on parents' arrangements
B. cultures that celebrate spiritual love
C. cultures that base marraiges on romantic love
D. cultures that do not approve child marriage
When will the newlyweds live together?
A. until the grooms are 17
B. until they reach the legal age for marriage
C. until they become grown-ups
D. until the brides are at least 16
A. 分
B. 句
C. 顿
D. 点
while(1); 的意义
A. 死循环
B. 执行一次
C. 不执行
D. 不清楚
A. 电源
B. 复位电路
C. 时钟电路
D. 单片机内部必须具有相应的程序