A. 细菌
B. 病原菌
C. 真菌
D. 微生物
E. 衣原体
A. 配气相位静态
B. 配气相位动态
C. 气门持续角
D. 气门叠开角
Evaluate the following function code: CREATE FUNCTION get_dept_avg(dept_id NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER RESULT_CACHE RELIES_ON (EMPLOYEES) IS avgsal NUMBER(6); BEGIN SELECT AVG(SALARY)INTO avgsal FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE DEPARTMENT_ID = dept_id; RETURN avgsal; END get_dept_avg; Which statement is true regarding the above function?()
A. The cached result becomes invalid when any structural change is done to the EMPLOYEES table.
B. If the function execution results in an unhandled exception,the exception result is also stored in the cache.
C. Each time the function is invoked in a different session,the current result in the result cache gets overwritten.
D. If the function is invoked with a different parameter value,the existing result in the result cache gets overwritten by the latest value.
A. 抢劫、盗窃事件经过
B. 犯罪分子人员数量
C. 犯罪分子体貌特征
D. 犯罪分子所持武器
E. 传染疾病的扩展趋势
A. 串联
B. 并联