A. 负责现场的组织指挥工作
B. 施工前组织召开工前会,讲解施工方案,布臵安全措施,强调人身安全、车辆安全等注意事项,做到分工明确、责任到人、标准清楚
C. 在施工过程中须佩戴施工负责人标识,认真履行职责,检查各项安全措施的落实,掌握施工进度,协调解决施工现场发生的问题,对施工现场的安全负责
D. 施工结束后,组织召开总结会议,分析施工中的问题,总结教训,优化布臵下次施工方案
五一节前一周,曙光社区劳动保障协理员王迪异常繁忙。按照工作安排,要完成对部分特殊群体的走访慰问,对象是辖区内劳模退休人员和部分特困退休人员,共计20人;还要结合春夏交替季节易发心脏病、高血压等常见病这一情况,举办一次常见病预防知识讲座。 周一早晨一上班,王迪先是对辖区内退休人健康状况进行了分析,然后检索退休人员需求专家库,与市里几位有名望的心脑内科专家进行了联系,最后确定由市中心医院心脑内科王主任在本星期五上午,讲授心脏病的突发处理和高血压患者应注意的问题。之后,王迪马上联系了社区小剧场,作为举办讲座的场所。下班的时候,王迪把讲座通知张贴在公示栏。 周二,王迪开始开展走访慰问工作,他先到社区超市购买了所谓慰问品。之后,来到75岁的劳模刘大爷家,但却没有见到刘大爷本人,他家人说一周前老人就到上海的女儿家去了,要五一后才能回来。到困难人员陈大爷家时,陈大爷对王迪说:“我身体不太好,老伴年龄也大了,儿子在外地,你给我和老伴介绍一个条件适合养老的地方吧”。王迪又详细地了解了陈大爷的要求,并记录在了笔记本上。 周三和周四两天,王迪奔波于社区之中,按照走访名单逐个上门慰问。除劳模刘大爷意外,顺利地完成其他人员的走访慰问任务。 周五上午,一大早王迪就赶到举办讲座的地点,对讲座现场进行了布置。八点半,参加讲座的退休人员陆续赶到,王迪一边维护现场秩序,一边向退休人员讲解会场要求。由于来听兼做的退休人员超过了预计人数,王迪又让社区的其他工作人员搬来了一些圆凳,这才解决了问题。九点钟王主任带着讲课用的笔记本电脑,按时赶到讲座地点,此时王迪突然不好意思起来,赶紧向王主任道歉。一个小时的讲座,王主任声情并茂、深入浅出的讲解,特别 第9/13页 是对老同志的日常饮食、营养保健食品食用讲得更为透彻、通俗易懂。退休人员听得很认真,结束后又和王主任交流了很长时间。看到眼前的情景,王迪笑了。王迪觉得今天讲座的气氛很好,打算下周五再邀请王主任讲一次。 星期五下午,王迪查询了本地区社会养老机构的详细情况,实地考察了几个比较符合陈大爷要求的养老机构。之后,他便赶到陈大爷家,向陈大爷详细介绍了这几个机构的地理位置、内外环境、服务项目、收费标准、入住有关手续等,让陈大爷自己选择。陈大爷最后选择了离社区较近的长寿养老院。本案例中,参加讲座的退休人员超过预计人数的根本原因是()
A. 没有确定最终参加讲座的人数
B. 没有做好需求分类工作
C. 讲座的告知方式不妥
D. 场地没有选择好
The National Endowment for the Arts recently released the the results of its “Reading at Risk” survey, which described movement of the American public away from books and literature and toward television and electronic media. According to the survey. “reading is on the decline on every 62.__________ region, within every ethnic group, and at every educational level.“ The day the NEA report released, the U.S. House, in a tie 63.___________ vote, upheld the government's right to obtain bookstore and library records under a provision of the USA Patriot Act. The House proposal would have barred the federal government from demand library records, reading lists, book customer 64.___________ lists and other material in terrorism and intelligence investigations. These two events are completely unrelated to, yet they 65.___________ echo each other in the message they send about the place of books and reading in American culture. At the heart of the NEA survey is the belief in our democratic 66.__________ system depends on leaders who can think critically, analyze texts and writing clearly. All of these are skills promoted by 67.__________ reading and discussing books and literature. At the same time, through a provision of the Patriot Act, the leaders of our country are unconsciously sending the message that reading may be connected to desirable activities that might 68._________ undermine our system of government rather than helping democracy flourish. Our culture's decline in reading begin well before the 69._________ existence of the Patriot Act. During the 1980s' culture wars, school systems across the country pulled some books from library shelves because its content was deemed by parents 70.__________ and teachers to be inappropriate. Now what started in schools across the country is playing itself out on a nation stage and 71.________ is possibly having an impact on the reading habits of the American public. 在64处填写改错内容。
The National Endowment for the Arts recently released the the results of its “Reading at Risk” survey, which described movement of the American public away from books and literature and toward television and electronic media. According to the survey. “reading is on the decline on every 62.__________ region, within every ethnic group, and at every educational level.“ The day the NEA report released, the U.S. House, in a tie 63.___________ vote, upheld the government's right to obtain bookstore and library records under a provision of the USA Patriot Act. The House proposal would have barred the federal government from demand library records, reading lists, book customer 64.___________ lists and other material in terrorism and intelligence investigations. These two events are completely unrelated to, yet they 65.___________ echo each other in the message they send about the place of books and reading in American culture. At the heart of the NEA survey is the belief in our democratic 66.__________ system depends on leaders who can think critically, analyze texts and writing clearly. All of these are skills promoted by 67.__________ reading and discussing books and literature. At the same time, through a provision of the Patriot Act, the leaders of our country are unconsciously sending the message that reading may be connected to desirable activities that might 68._________ undermine our system of government rather than helping democracy flourish. Our culture's decline in reading begin well before the 69._________ existence of the Patriot Act. During the 1980s' culture wars, school systems across the country pulled some books from library shelves because its content was deemed by parents 70.__________ and teachers to be inappropriate. Now what started in schools across the country is playing itself out on a nation stage and 71.________ is possibly having an impact on the reading habits of the American public. 在71处填写改错内容。