What is the least common denominator for adding the fractions 4/15,1/12, and 3/8?
A. 40
B. 120
C. 180
D. 480
E. 1440
航空货运单(Air Waybill)是航空运输的正式凭证,和海运提单一样都具有特权凭证作用,也是可以转让的。()
A. 30m
B. 10m
C. 100m
D. 200m
To keep up with rising expenses, a motel managerneeds to raise the $40.00 room rate by 22%. What willbe the new rate?
A. $40.22
B. $42.20
C. $48.00
D. $48.80
E. $62.00