Tom said, “We've got two first places in the sports meet.”Tom said ___ ___ got two first places in the sports meet.
A. theyhave
B. theyhad
C. hehas
D. hehad
Wu said, “He'll have arrived by tonight.”Wu said ___ ___have arrived by _____.
A. hehadthat night
B. hewillthat night
C. hehadtonight
She said, “I arrived yesterday morning.”She said that ___ ___ arrived the ________.
A. shehasyesterday morning
B. shehadyesterday morning
C. shehadmorning before
D. shehasmorning before
A. NAS是将“目光”集中在应用、用户和文件,以及它们共享的数据上。
B. SAN是将“目光”集中在磁盘、磁带,以及连接它们的可靠的基础结构上。
C. DAS 购置成本高,配置复杂。
D. iSCSI(Internet Small Computer System Interface,Internet小型计算机系统接口)是通过TCP/IP网络传输SCSI指令的协议。
A. RDM:网络文件系统
B. VMFS:vSphere虚拟机文件系统
C. NFS:裸设备映射