
Robbie Wilde has been enjoying his life as a(n) 1) ________. He was born with perfect 2)________, but is now completely 3)________ in his right ear and can hardly hear in his left. He grew up in a(n) 4) ________ home environment and started deejaying at age 5) ________. With a strong desire to perfect his skills, he asked a well-known DJ for 6) ________. He has been working hard and does not want his skills recognized simply because people have 7) ________ for his disability. In this way, he sets a good example for other young people in chasing their 8) ________.



A. 对
B. 错

习近平在参观《复兴之路》展览时首次提出中国梦,并引用三句诗诠释了近代以来中国人民寻梦、追梦、圆梦的历史进程,形容中华民族的今天引用的是( )。

A. 雄关漫道真如铁
B. 长风破浪会有时
C. 人间正道是沧桑
D. 敢教日月换新天

第二个“一百年”的奋斗目标是( )。

A. 到建党100年时,建成惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会
B. 到新中国成立100年时,建成社会主义现代化强国
C. 到中国社会主义制度建立100年时,基本实现现代化,建成社会主义现代化强国
D. 到改革开放100年时,建成社会主义现代化强国

习近平在庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会的讲话中明确指出:“中国共产党一经诞生,就把为中国人民谋幸福、为中华民族谋复兴确立为自己的初心使命。一百年来,中国共产党团结带领中国人民进行的一切奋斗、一切牺牲、一切创造,归结起来就是一个主题( )

A. 实现中华民族伟大复兴
B. 实现社会主义现代化
C. 全心全意为人民服务
D. 不忘初心牢记使命
