A. 每次便后均要用温水清洗并吸干
B. 保持会阴部及肛周皮肤清洁、干燥
C. 选用吸水性强的柔软棉布类尿布
D. 以上都是
Those poorly educated people are actually more _______ to the ongoing economic crisis.
A. dangerous
B. vulnerable
C. perilous
D. inherent
We recognize how little we _______ know about education, and therefore how cautious we must be in making changes to the present situation
A. genuinely
B. excessively
C. instantly
D. partially
It is now time to identify these issues more clearly and see whether it is possible to _______ these different perspectives.
A. nurture
B. generate
C. cultivate
D. integrate