
What does MS.Parker say about changing majors()

A. Students cannot change their major once they've decided.
B. Most students usually don't want to change their major
C. Students are allowed to change their major only once.
D. Most students change their maior art least once.


What kind of person is Charlie()

A. He is a big picture kind of guy.
B. He is a detail-focused guy
C. He is a quiet and easy-going guy.
D. He is a detail-focused and outing guy.

What major does MS.Parker suggest that Charlie may choose()

A. Business
B. Marketing
C. Mathematics
D. Computer design.

How do the femal bosses treat the individuals they work with

A. Female bosses usually criticize them for their wrong doings.
B. Famale bosses usually take no account of their situation.
C. Female bosses usually encourage them and guide them.
D. Female bosses usually enjoy working with them.

What is the possible reason that femal managers are more likely to get their work done on time

A. Because they are more likely to be dismissed for poor work.
Because they want to do better than male managers.
C. Because they are quite good at solviung problems.
D. Because they are barely functioning managers.
