Which color model is used for printing color maps?
D. none of these are correct
Which of the following is considered a softcopy map?
A. a map to be used in a PowerPoint presentation
B. a map to be posted on the Internet
C. a printed map
D. both a map to be used in a PowerPoint presentation and a map to be posted on the Internet
E. both a map to be posted on the internet and a printed map
Which labeling method lets you label all or selected features at once in ArcMap?
A. interactive labeling
B. dynamic labeling
You are asked to plot in a single layout separate maps showing the national parks in the U.S., U.K., and Sweden. How many data frames in ArcMap do you need for the layout?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
A. 青霉素
B. 干扰素
C. 制霉菌素
D. 维生素