A. 可能没有关键线路
B. 至少有一条关键线路
C. 在计划工期等于计划工期时,关键工作为总时差为零的工作
D. 在网络计划执行工程中,关键线路不能转移
E. 由关键节点组成的线路,就是关键线路
The quantity of a good or service that producers are willing to sell at different prices during a specific time period is known as the
A. supply of that product or service.
B. demand for that product or service.
C. elasticity of that product or service.
D. utility of that product or service.
A simple supply curve shows that an increase in the price of a good will cause the quantity supplied to
A. decrease.
B. increase.
C. remain constant.
D. fluctuate randomly around its equilibrium value.
When the supply curve and demand curve for a particular good are shown together on a single graph, the point at which the two curves intersect identifies the
A. total profit earned by producers.
B. total amount of labor that will be employed in that market.
C. amount of time it takes to bring together the buyers and sellers of the good.
D. equilibrium price of the good.