员工( 员工编号 char(6),姓名 char(10),性别 char(2),年龄 smallint,部门编号 char(2))请按照以下要求写出SQL语句。1. 向“员工”表中添加一条记录:("B10201","李晓琳","女",26,"D1");2. 将部门编号是"B1"的数据修改为"C1";3. 删除年龄60岁以下(包括60岁)的员工信息;4. 查询男员工的员工编号、姓名、年龄、部门编号信息,并按年龄降序排列;5. 统计各部门的员工人数,显示列名是:部门编号,员工人数。
将过程补充完整,实现计算 1 + 2 + 3 + … + 100 的值,在标签label1中显示计算结果。(答题时,每个空单独占一行)Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim i as integer, s as integers = 0___(1)___while ___(2)___s = s+i___(3)___wendLabel1.Caption =sEnd Sub
My brotherwhile hehis bicycle and hurt himself.
A. fell, was riding
B. fell, is riding
C. had fallen, rode
D. had fallen, was riding
You can't miss him. Hea dark green suit and a yellow tie waiting for you.
A. is wearing
B. will wear
C. wears
D. will be wearing
It's eight o'clock. The studentsan English class.
A. have
B. having
C. is having
D. are having