4.黄曲霉素险属于( )。
A. 一般附加险
B. 特别附加险
C. 特殊附加险
D. 普通附加险
5.罢工险属于( )。
A. 一般附加险
B. 特别附加险
C. 特殊附加险
D. 普通附加险
5000年以前,陶器就记载了中国人舞蹈的画面,那时人们在祭祀的时候跳舞。Scenes of dancing were drawn on ____ in China some 5000 years ago. At that time, people danced at ____.
大约2000年前的中国宫廷,有一位皇妃能在托盘中跳舞, 好像风一吹就要飞了。There was a concubine who could dance on a tray in the ____ 2000 years. She danced so lightly that she supposedly would fly away when ____.