请选出拼写错误的单词It was Nori's beleif that she would recieve a piece of pie after dinner.
A. beleif
B. recieve
C. piece
D. pie
请选出拼写错误的单词Uncle Silas's greif over the accident was percieved as extreme.
A. greif
B. accident
C. percieved
D. extreme
请选出拼写错误的单词The conveneince-store casheir's conscience prevented him from being decietful.
A. conveneince
B. casheir’s
C. conscience
D. decietful
请写出下列句中划线部分相应的正确缩写形式。Under “time” for next week’s meeting, someone had written “to be announced.”
请写出下列句中划线部分相应的正确缩写形式。Dr. Jiang spoke about the human immunodeficiency virus.