Can you choose the 5 principles?
A. Focus on language content that is relevant to you.
B. Use your language as a tool to communicate from day 1.
C. When you understand the message you will acquire the language unconsciously.
D. Language is not about accumulating a lot of knowledge but is rather a type of physiological training.
E. Psycho-physiological state matters – you need to be happy, relaxed, and most importantly, you need to be tolerant of ambiguity. Don’t try to understand every detail as it will drive you crazy.
三亚三绝指的是梅花参、鮑鱼和( )。
A. 生蚝
B. 干贝
C. 鱼骨
D. 鱼翅
广义上的菜又称“潮粤菜”,由( )发展而成。
A. 广州菜
B. 客家菜
C. 潮州菜
D. 汕头菜
E. 雷州半岛菜系
著名的粤菜餐饮品牌有( )。
A. 广州酒家
B. 陶陶居
C. 莲香楼
D. 杏花楼
E. 大家乐